
What clients say about Michelle

“Michelle is just the best! She is highly skilled, knowledgeable and kind. She really listens and cares about her clients. She meets you where you’re at and gives you the tools to meet your goals, all while giving you the hope and the assurance required along your journey. Choosing to work with Michelle has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and a true blessing.

M.Z. – Orange County, CA

“I am a family and sports medicine physician, and I’ve had the privilege of referring my patients to Michelle Dinsdale for quite some time now. Her expertise in guiding individuals towards healthier lifestyles is truly remarkable.

Michelle is not just a health coach; she’s a catalyst for positive change. Her approach goes beyond conventional methods, delving deep into the individual needs and goals of each of my patients. Through personalized goal setting and tailored strategies, she empowers them to adopt sustainable healthy habits that make a real difference in their lives.

What sets Michelle apart is her genuine commitment to her clients’ well-being. She fosters a supportive environment where individuals feel heard, understood, and motivated to make lasting changes. Whether it’s managing weight, improving nutrition, enhancing fitness, or addressing lifestyle stressors, she provides invaluable guidance every step of the way.

As a physician, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact Michelle has on my patients’ health outcomes. Her holistic approach aligns perfectly with the principles of preventive medicine and complements the care I provide in my practice. Together, we’ve been able to achieve remarkable results in improving the overall health and well-being of our patients.

I wholeheartedly endorse Michelle for anyone seeking to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier life. Her passion, expertise, and dedication make her an invaluable asset to our community, and I’m grateful to have her as a partner in promoting wellness.”

Dr. Samuel Sunshine MD
Primary and Sports Medicine, Functional Medicine, OC Sports and Wellness.

“As a functional medicine practitioner, I really need to work with professionals who understand not only fitness and nutrition, but also how to help people efficiently make impactful lifestyle changes. Over the years I have had the opportunity to co-manage clients with Michelle and have been consistently impressed with her knowledge and ability to work well with clients. Primarily because she personally implements all of these healthy strategies into her own life and remains intensely active in the world of fitness.This well-rounded experience combined with her health coaching knowledge makes her an amazing asset to anyone looking to improve their health and vitality.Finding your team of wellness professionals is critical to optimizing your health and Michelle is definitely an important and qualified addition to that team.”

Dr. Vince DiSaia, DC
Functional Medicine Practitioner

“Michelle has been wonderful to work with over the past few months. She has given my husband and I key pointers which have not only helped with my weight loss, but overall health and wellness. I highly recommend Michelle to anyone looking to make improvements in their energy, diet, sleep habits and exercise routines”

K.T. – Coto de Caza, CA

“I am blessed to have met Michelle at the time I did. Not only was she a major contributor to my wellness program but she walked along side my struggles in health. She is more than a coach, she partners with you to achieve the goals you want. She knows when to press and when to praise! I am grateful for her intuition and commitment to her clients. Oh by the way, my test results improved miraculously within 3 months! “

A.M. – Rancho Santa Margarita

“Michelle, words cannot express how grateful I am to you. I was so desperate to dig my way out of feeling so bad about life & myself and a life coach sounded like just the thing I needed. I was totally right and I cannot believe how much progress I have made in such a short period of time. I felt like I needed a reboot and that’s exactly what I got! I had neglected my own health inside and out and you have given me back my joy and enthusiasm for life and have shown me great ways to look after my body. You are so kind and never make me feel judged or afraid to ask you for the help I need. You’re the best! Michelle- thank you a million times over!”

L.H. – Rancho Santa Margarita

“As our session is coming to an end, I look back on everything that I’ve learned about myself through having Michelle as my health coach. As my nutritional and fitness journey continues, I’m so confident that I’ll meet my goals. She has given me that confidence through her unwavering support and plethora of knowledge. She has taught me how to motivate myself and others, to give myself grace for my slip ups, and to never give up.  Having a health coach is more than just about optimal health; it’s about having a team mate on your side no matter how you’re feeling. Imagine that team mate is always in your corner, even when you aren’t. You’ve imagined Michelle. She is just that. Your team leader and cheerleader, motivating you to be that for yourself. I’ll carry her advice, wisdom and support everywhere this journey takes me. Thank you Michelle, I can’t wait for you to see our hard work continue to pay off!”

S.O. – Corona

“Michelle’s coaching is just what I needed. Like most of us, I’m pretty tuned in to nutrition, exercise, etc. but despite all that knowledge never was able to make much lasting progress. Love that I was able to lose weight without “dieting” and at the same time reduce stress. And although I’ve slipped on some of the new habits, others will last a lifetime, and I know what to do to get back on track. Michelle helps you focus on all aspects of self care, mental and physical, which I loved. I looked forward to all of our meetings and always felt supported and appreciated rather than judged.”

B.D. – Trabuco Canyon

‘If you are trying to regain your health and struggling I highly recommend working with Michelle.

After 50 losing weight became harder and harder and I found myself more than 40 lbs overweight with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a myriad of aches and pains. I felt completely overwhelmed. Because of bad knees I couldn’t exercise like I used to. Talking with my doctor working with nutritionists was just frustrating and left me feeling like a fat, lazy, failure. I didn’t recognize myself anymore. Wasn’t I the girl who could accomplish anytthing I set my mind to? Sound familiar?

Thankfully I found Michelle. Turns out what I really needed was not a medical professional or strict program; what I needed was a coach. Working with Michelle is like hanging out with a friend. She holds you accountable but never judges. She supports without enabling. She educates without talking down. She listens and encourages We worked together to make small, sustainable changes that finally started yielding some results. We also dug deep to figure out why I was self-sabotaging and worked on the underlying issues. We addressed stress, hormones and environmental toxins. She has a wealth of knowledge and researches like crazy so I was able to build upon the knowledge I already had. I guess the proof is in the results: I lost 14 lbs in my 12 week session, and made notiecable changes in my body all without starving or spending hours in the gym.. Most importantly, I feel better, both physically and emotionally. “

BLD – Mission Viejo

‘Michelle is an incredibly patient, kind and loving soul. This is what makes her stand out among the rest. She genuinely thrives when other succeed in their health and lives. She has definitely changed mine. A lot of my health journey has been weighted with emotion. She helped me through that and still does. I have learned so much about what foods I need, vs what I want. We all know this on some level, but her support, guidance and nutritional education is exactly what I needed to get to a lifestyle change. Previously, I was making the changes only to lose weight and it worked for me. But like many people do, I only put my bad habits on pause until I was done depriving myself, then I’d get right back to them and gain the weight back. She taught me nothing is off the table. Strangely enough, that’s what worked. Knowing that I could have that beer at a friend’s birthday bbq. I can have a slice of birthday cake. She taught me to ask myself questions and choose wisely. She taught me what my body needs nutritionally. What energy do I need and what combination of foods will give that to me.

Above all, she was always there to support me. You need to have someone in your corner who knows those tips and tricks to get you out of your head and into the present. Into the life you want to create for yourself. She is not only a health and nutrition coach, she is a life coach. I’m so grateful to her for her encouragement when I wanted to give up and for her help in realizing this journey does not expire. Your health is forever.’

S.L. – Orange County

‘If you are looking for someone who truly cares about her clients and their overall wellbeing, Michelle Dinsdale is the person for you. She is a Health Coach and so much more.

I am a 59 year old woman who has been dealing with menopause for the past 7 years and have battled my weight for a good part of my adult life.

In early July of this year, I found myself feeling very depressed. I felt I had no control when it came to my food choices and exercise was nonexistent. I had no self confidence, finding myself saying “no” to every invite I received from my friends, which was so not like me. I’m usually the life of the party, the one who exudes joy. Now I was finding myself feeling at rock bottom. In my own words, the best way I can describe it is, “my light had gone out!”

I knew Michelle was a health coach and that she also focused in on menopause when necessary. I had nothing to lose and I reached out to her.

After our first meeting, I knew I was with the right person. I knew if she wasn’t able to fix all that ailed me, she would definitely be able to help me get my light back. I knew this because of the amazing light that radiated from her.

I signed up for a 3 month program that very day. For the first time in a very long time, I was excited about the possibility of feeling good.

Our focus was the symptoms I was having from menopause and to get my eating under control. Little did I know at that time, how interrelated the two were.

We officially had our first meeting the next week. I told Michelle that I had been suffering from chronic headaches for the past 14 weeks, living on Ibuprofin, so much that I was having issues from the Ibuprofin and the headaches were no better. She asked me a series of questions and after talking for a bit she gave me a few things to try when I went home. I did exactly what she said and my headaches were 50% better the very next day, they were 100% gone after one week! I was amazed and the best part was I wasn’t taking any medicine at all! She gave me amazing tools that worked!

Over those 3 months she discussed different topics with me each week. She asked questions, listened to my answers and then guided me on some techniques to start practicing. I told her I was “all in” and I meant it. I wanted to feel better and wanted my joy back. I wanted to light up a room again.

I listened and I gave it my all. Was I perfect? No i wasn’t but I really tried. When I wasn’t perfect, she didn’t judge me. Take my food plan for instance, this was a really important part of my program. She taught me a way to be accountable without feeing like I was reporting to the food police. She showed me how I could be accountable without feeling judged. She worked the program that fit in with my hectic life. It was doable and at the same time, kept me wanting to succeed.

I started feeling better mentally very quickly and that part was huge. Feeling in control of my food choices was something I never thought would happen again.

I could go on and on about Michelle and what she and her program have done for me, however, the best thing would be for you to experience it yourself. We’re all different and are battling different things and believe me, Michelle has an arsenal of knowledge and experience to help anyone.

She has a heart of gold and a smile that exudes generosity and caring like no one I have ever met before. She is authentic and truly wants to help everyone to be able to live their best lives. She is one of a kind and to me, she is an angel on earth.

I will be forever grateful for the tools she has given to me. I will never be able to thank her enough for giving me my “light” back.’

T.W. – Orange County

‘Michelle is a life saver. An extremely and genuinely caring person. Her knowledge of the body, foods and the mind has been more than I could ask for’.

J.M. – Orange County

“I have been blessed by Michelle’s wealth of knowledge and willingness to share her skills and expertise. She made sense out of menopause. She is thoughtful, caring, and a guiding light!”

J.C. – Orange County